Start thinking about implementation – Dodo’s opening address to #IPBES4

Distinguished delegates, humans,

it is my pleasure to address you (virtually) on behalf of the human-activity caused extinct species of the Earth once again. Unfortunately, my closing speech to #IPBES3 came rather late due to flight problems, but this time I should be in time (which is quite a challenge for a species being extinction for about 333 years).

IPBES is an impressive endeavour. The reports and activities produced so far show the ambition and potential of human brains to understand their environment and find ways to cope with it sustainably. Yet, of course you also produce many counterproductive activities that hinder these (I know. “it’s the economy stupid”, but there are other ways than the economic mainstream). But the collaboration in IPBES (so far) is a positive sign, and I am impressed by those humans who are willing to put so much of their time in this. It will be interesting to see how the private sector will take such a platform serious and allow discussions on a level playing field for all.

At the same time, IPBES is frustrating endeavour. A huge work programme of a dozen assessments and many more deliverables is funded by a poor sum of 40 Mio Dollars, with nearly 10 Mio still missing from the pot. Are you nuts? These sums are peanuts! This is all about your livelihoods for now and in the future! Just spend a tiny little less on military – or just eradicate the environmental harmful subsidies – you promised to phase them out by 2020 anyway, according to your CBD targets. Or, or, or… many options to at least triple this sum. If IPBES gets the message across that its reports tell that safeguarding nature will profit everyone, the support shouldn’t be a problem (well, I am a naïve extinct bird, as you know…).

Oh, and yes: the private sector could also give a share of those profits they get from destroying nature and the habitats of my fellow animal species – another source for a huge boost in funding. Thus, you could also adequately value the work of the experts involved.

The stakeholder days this weekend have impressively shown that there is only one way forward to come to a joint living model between a growing human population and nature: cooperation between humans. IPBES stakeholders are willing, yet based on quite different values (like the member states). Talking about these values as well is thus crucial for joint understanding and mutual learning. So, finally starting the assessment on diverse conceptualisations of values and valuation should be a priority to IPBES members. It will further open your eyes that economic views can help (nature acts economically itself, somehow…) but other values are equally valid. As often stated the Conceptual Framework of IPBES is a good starting point, yet surely not a Rosetta stone (not sure if things fixed in stone are the right picture anyway when it comes to the living world).

In the end, IPBES will be pit against its achievements to support changes on the ground – the stakeholders again will be crucial here – and the way your results are communicated. Going back home being happy that another week of deliberations is over will not do it – every member needs to think about amplifying results in your own country and below. And for that, another 40 Mio Dollars of investments will not even be half a peanut.

I thank you for your attention.


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